EventStorming, yes, but how?

By Miroslav Janeski on 02-Jan-2018 16:04:00

One of the facts that makes Nebb software products successful is that they are designed and developed in an agile fashion. The agile approach implies regular product (re) inception sessions, where we validate our software products on the latest changes on the market and the end-user feedback.

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NDC Oslo 2017 Impressions

By Miroslav Janeski on 05-Jun-2017 11:14:00

A couple of weeks ago, I had a great opportunity to visit NDC Oslo 2017. NDC stands for Norwegian Developers Conference and is one of Europe`s largest conferences for .NET & Agile development. The first conference was held in Oslo in 2008 and today NDC Conferences are 5-day events with 2 days of pre-conference workshops and 3 days of conference sessions and are being held in Oslo, London, Sydney, and Copenhagen. What makes the NDC different is the quality and the quantity of the speakers and the topics it offers. Having this in mind I must say it is always a challenge to select the right sessions or to choose one session over several popular ones.

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